major works


In March 1943, Winston Churchill addressed the nation, declaring that 500,000 temporary houses would be erected in order to house returning soldiers and those made homeless from the bombing in London during World War II. These prefabricated houses were designed to promptly address the crisis and intended to last fifteen years, Nearly seventy years on, many of the residents of Excalibur Estate are now fighting a losing battle to remain in their homes.


Before the launch of the railways and improvements to roads, the canals were the driving force behind Britain’s journey towards becoming an industrialised nation. Not far behind the trail of boats carrying cargo into London, people in their masses closed in on the city in the hope of a better life. Now industrially redundant, the canal flows calmly through one of the most frantic and diverse cities in the world. Walking the route of the Grand Union Canal as it meanders through the rich social fabric of London, this project uses this unique stretch of landscape to paint a portrait of the cit that it helped to nurture.

keeping bees

The way that humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets will in part define our collective future in the twenty-first century.